Terms of Service

The Rules of Participation
in the World Canals Conference Buffalo 2025


These rules specify the terms of enrollment and participation in the World Canals Conference Buffalo 2025 organized by the City of Bydgoszcz – Bydgoskie Centrum Informacji (Bydgoszcz Information Center

  1. Any references herein to:
    1. Conference Participant or Participant shall mean an entity that during the time of registration sent to the Organizer its application for participation in the conference through the enrollment form featured on the following website wcc2024bydgoszcz.pl. The person performing registration states that through performance of registration is authorized to represent the enrolled entity.
    2. Conference Organizer or Organizer shall mean the City of Bydgoszcz, ul. Jezuicka 1, 85-102 Bydgoszcz, NIP 953-101-18-63, represented by Bydgoskie Centrum Informacji with its registered office in Bydgoszcz, ul. Batorego 2.
    3. WCC2024 – World Canals Conference Bydgoszcz 2024.


    1. The requirements for participation in the conference include:
      1. opening of the Participant Account on the following website wcc2024bydgoszcz.pl;
      2. sending of the application for participation during the period of registration to the conference and workshops with the use of the enrollment form featured on the following website wcc2024bydgoszcz.pl;
      3. making a payment in the amount specified on the following website wcc2024bydgoszcz.pl, indicated for a specific WCC2024 participation package covered by registration (“Fee”) as consideration for participation in the conference and services included in this package, and featured on the website mentioned above.
    2. The conference is open to the public and everyone can register for participation in it.
    3. The period for registration to the conference is provided in the information on WCC2024 featured on the following website wcc2024bydgoszcz.pl.
    4. Through enrollment to the conference, the WCC2024 Participant declares that he has read these rules and accepts its provisions in their entirety.
    5. By enrollment to the conference, the Participant selects an appropriate package specified on the following website https://wcc2024bydgoszcz.pl/home.qbpage#packages and in the case of a paid package, he undertakes to pay to the Organizer the price of package, provided on the website mentioned above, within 7 days from completing the enrollment, although no later than before the opening of the conference.
    6. The number of places for conference participants is limited, thus enrollment is based on the order in which the applications are received.
    7. The time of enrollment is understood as the time the Organizer received an application of the Participant along with confirmation of payment for a specific package. Acceptance of the application will be confirmed by e-mail by the Organizer.
    8. Enrollments to the main list are accepted until all places are taken and a complete number of Participants is received.
    9. Enrollments that arrived after completion of the main list will be registered on the reserve list. The Organizer will return the Fee paid by Participants from the reserve list, and with the possibility of participation in the conference in a later period, the applicant will be obliged to immediately pay the Fee once again.
    10. WCC2024 consists of thematic sessions. During registration, Participants select the sessions they are interested in. Priority of participation in a specific session is given to the people who indicated it during Registration.
    11. The number of places in sessions in limited. Selection of a session and correct enrollment of the list during registration does not guarantee the actual possibility of participation in the session. When no Registration is performed, entrance to a selected session is possible when there are free places available.
    12. When the Participant resigns from the conference before its opening, his place will be filled by the first person from the reserve list, who will be obliged to pay the Fee immediately. When the Fee is not paid within 3 days from the date of notification of the reserve Participant about his qualification to participation in WCC2024, he is deleted from the main list.
    13. The Conference Participants take note that the access to the premises of WCC2024 is equivalent to providing a free permission to taking photographs, filming or any other recording of their image and distribution of their image in relation to WCC2024 by the Organizer.
    14. WCC2024 Participants are required to behave in a way that does not endanger the safety of other people, in particular to comply with safety and security rules, including occupational safety, fire protection rules, as well as organizational and technical instructions and orders of the Organizer’s representative.


    1. These rules specify:
      1. the type, range and terms of provision of services by e-mail by the WCC2024 Organizer;
      2. rights and obligation of Participants and the Organizer.
    2. These rules cover the following services provided by e-mail:
      1. provision of texts and information about WCC2024;
      2. provision of information provided by the Organizer and Partners about services and
        special offers;
      3. making available links / references to Partner websites, social media, and other places
        related to services or products provided ;
      4. sending of commercial information to the e-mail provided by the User;
      5. maintenance and servicing of the User Account;
      6. sending the newsletter;
      7. filing a claim by e-mail;
      8. notifying about changes within WCC2024.
    3. The Organizer provides services for the Participants in the range and on the terms specified in these Rules.
    4. During registration the User declares that:
      1. he is entitled to conclude a service contract that is the subject to these Rules;
      2. the information provided by him during registration is true;
      3. he read the Rules and the Privacy Policy and accepts the Rules and the Privacy Policy in their entirety, with no exceptions or reservations in this scope, and undertakes to comply by them.
    5. The Participant is required to provide the following information during registration:
      1. First name;
      2. Surname;
      3. E-mail.
        Providing of other information by the Participant is optional.
    6. The current range of services offered to Participants is available on our website wcc2024bydgoszcz.pl. The package of services and their functional range are subject to changes.
    7. Activation of service at wcc2024bydgoszcz.pl or filing a claim by e-mail is equivalent to acceptance of the terms of these Rules and conclusion of a service contract with the Organizer by e-mail, without the necessity of making a separate document.
    8. Newsletter is a letter with news sent regularly to the persons who have an Account on the following website wcc2024bydgoszcz.pl, or subscribed to the mailing list, after prior approval during registration and providing an e-mail on the newsletter enrollment form on the following website wcc2024bydgoszcz.pl.
    9. E-mail is used only and exclusively for sending services ordered by the User.
    10. Technical requirements of wcc2024bydgoszcz.pl include:
      a) Personal computer or mobile devices with current internet browser;
      b) Internet access.
    11. The Organizer is not responsible for technical problems or limitations related to software or hardware, used by the User, that make possible the use of specific services by him.
    12. The Organizer reserves the right to make interruptions in access to wcc2024bydgoszcz.pl in order to perform necessary regular maintenance or to conduct works with the purpose of restoration of security and stability of the portal.

    § 4

    1. WCC2024 Participant can notify about his resignation from participation in the conference.
    2. Resignation from the conference can be performed by sending to the Organizer an e-
      mail to wcc2024@visitbydgoszcz.pl
    3. The date of resignation from the conference is the day the WCC2024 Organizer receives the resignation. When the Organizer receives the letter in a non-working day, the day of arrival is the following working day.
    4. In the case of resignation from participation in WCC2024 up to 7 days before the time of conference shown in the enrollment form, the Participant has the right to full reimbursement of the Fee paid.
    5. The Participant will receive back his funds the latest within two weeks.
    6. In the case of resignation from participation in WCC2024 in a period shorter than 7 days from the time of conference or absence of the Participant at a conference without prior resignation, the Participant is not entitled to reimbursement of the Fee.
    7. The WCC2024 Organizer allows for possibility of change by the WCC2024 Participant of a person appointed by him as participating in the conference, notifying the Organizer the latest 3 days before its opening.
    8. When the Organizer will be not able to host WCC2024 in the time specified by him, which is excessively difficult or threatened due to force majeure, including the COVID-19 pandemic or its implications, in particular acts of public authorities taken in order to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, the Organizer will have the right to:
      1. change the number of persons who will be able to participate in the conference on site;
      2. change the time of WCC2024 in a unilateral manner;
      3. cancel the conference.
    9. In the case of change of time of the conference, pursuant to art. 8, the Participant is not required to make any additional payments and can resign from participation in the conference based on the rules specified above.
    10. In the event of occurrence of circumstances mentioned in art. 8 or 9, the Organizer is not liable to the Participant (in particular for the costs of transport, accommodation, etc.).
    11. In the case of cancellation of WCC2024 through the fault of the Organizer, the Organizer will immediately notify about this fact all Participants and reimburse them for the Fees incurred for the purchase of a package. The Organizer, however, excludes liability to Participants for any additional costs incurred by them in relation to their planned participation in the conference (in particular for the costs of transport, accommodation, etc.).

    § 5

    1. The WCC2024 Organizer ensures premises, technical and personal support necessary for organization of the conference.
    2. The WCC2024 Organizer does not cover the cost of transport of the conference Participants to the site of conference and accommodation.
    3. The WCC2024 Organizer reserves the right to cancel the conference in its scheduled time.
    4. The WCC2024 Organizer reserves the right to change the site of conference. In such case, the Organizer will notify immediately the conference Participants about the other site of conference.
    5. The WCC2024 Organizer reserves the right to make modifications in the conference agenda.
    6. Detailed information on the conference topic are featured on the Organizer’s website wcc2024bydgoszcz.pl.
    7. The conference Participant has to follow proper sanitation practices resulting from the laws or specified by the building administrator hosting the conference. The sanitation practices specified by the building administrator are available on the following website wcc2024bydgoszcz.pl. In order to avoid any doubts, it is indicated that the conference Organizer is not liable when the Participant gets infectious disease during the conference.

    § 6

    1. Filling the enrollment form, the Participant or a person registered for participation in WCC2024 gives consent for the processing of personal data by the Organizer for the purposes related to participation in the conference, based on the principles specified in the Privacy Policy.
    2. Participants have the right to look into the content of their personal data, to have them modified and to request to remove them.

    § 7

    1. The Organizer reserves the right to make changes in these rules.
    2. The rules are published on the conference Organizer’s website wcc2024bydgoszcz.pl. Any changes will be published on a regular basis on the conference Organizer’s website wcc2024bydgoszcz.pl.
    3. Any issues not regulated in these rules shall be governed by appropriate Polish laws, including the Civil Code.